Short Stories

Welcome to our Short Stories category, where captivating tales unfold in concise narratives. Dive into a world of brevity and imagination, where each story is a compact journey that transports you to different realms, evokes emotions, and leaves a lasting impact. From poignant slices of life to thrilling adventures, our collection of short stories offers a diverse range of literary delights that cater to every taste. Explore the power of concise storytelling and let these brief yet powerful narratives captivate your imagination.

The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe PDF

The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe

The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe is a dark tale about a man who spirals into madness and violence. Initially, he adores his black cat, Pluto, but becomes abusive under the influence of alcohol, eventually gouging out its eye and hanging it. …

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Cat in the Rain by Ernest Hemingway

Cat in the Rain by Ernest Hemingway

Cat in the Rain by Ernest Hemingway Cat in the Rain by Ernest Hemingway, is a short story  set in a hotel in Italy. It follows an American couple, George and his wife, who are staying at the hotel. The wife notices a cat outside in the rain and expresses …

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The Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy

The Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy Short Stories Leo Tolstoy, a Russian writer, is a very famous name all over the world. Many refer to him as one of the greatest authors in the world due to his very well-developed novels. The 19th-century writer is seen as a master of literature all over the …

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How to write a mystery short story: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Write a Mystery Short Story

How to Write a Mystery Short Story: A Step-by-Step Guide Mystery short stories have enthralled readers for centuries with their captivating plots, intriguing characters, and unexpected twists. Writing a compelling mystery short story requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a knack for building suspense. In this guide, we will …

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The Lottery by Shirley Jackson pdf

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson PDF

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson PDF The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green. The people of the village began to gather in the square, between the post office and …

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Philomel Cottage by Agatha Christie

Philomel Cottage by Agatha Christie

Philomel Cottage by Agatha Christie “Good-bye, darling.” “Good-bye, sweetheart.” Alix Martin stood leaning over the small rustic gate, watching the retreating figure of her husband, as he walked down the road in the direction of the village. Presently he turned a bend and was lost to sight, but Alix still …

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The Sphinx by Edgar Allen Poe

The sphinx book by Edgar Allan Poe

The Sphinx by Edgar Allen Poe During the dread reign of the Cholera in New York, I had accepted the invitation of a relative to spend a fortnight with him in the retirement of his cottage ornee on the banks of the Hudson. We had here around us all the …

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